By Tony Brown
Maryville Daily Forum
Posted Sep 01, 2010 @ 08:22 AM
Maryville, Mo. — U.S. Rep. Sam Graves, whose 6th Congressional District includes Nodaway County, was at Northwest Missouri State University Tuesday to tour the Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship — a combination business incubator and academic center — and review plans for a major expansion at the 750-acre R.T. Wright University Farm north of Maryville.
Rod Barr, a member of the Northwest agriculture faculty member, unveiled a “master plan” embracing a series of proposed building projects at the farm during an hour-long session in a CIE meeting room, during which Graves fielded questions on a variety of topics.
About 75 people attended the event, including state Rep. Mike Thomson, Mayor Chad Jackson, Northwest President John Jasinski and other civic and university leaders.
Graves, one of the few farmers in Congress, voiced support for the Wright Farm expansion and praised the quality of Northwest’s growing ag program, which he recalled was once nearly eliminated due to falling enrollment and funding constraints…
Northwest Unveils Farm Plans to Grave
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